Friday, December 4, 2015

It's A Choice

It is the first Friday is December and I still have Christmas shopping and decorating to do.

I mean, I am practically done, but there is still stuff to do.

If you missed this post yesterday, I highly encourage you to go read it and join me for #kristieschristmas.

It'll be fun, I swear!

Anyways, my life is a bit overwhelming right now and I have had a fun week.  A little confusing in some parts but for the most part I am really happy in my life right now.

Yes, I am happy.
No there isn't a boy, no new job, no promotion, just genuine happiness.

 I bet it is the season.  It could be reconnecting with old friends, making new friends, or just realizing that the world has shitty days, but I refuse to let those days define my happiness.

No there is no Xanax in my coffee... Heck I didn't even have coffee today.

I just made a decision to be happy.  To be thankful.  To try to be better and most of all to be loving.  I certainly can have a bad attitude more times than not and I haven't become an Optimistic Opal, but maybe Cynical Kristie decided to take a mini break.

I hope y'all have a great weekend.

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